Hi everyone,
I'm just letting you know I'm signing off for a few days as my Mum has been taken ill, she's in hospital and I need to be there when I can and take care of my Dad.
I didn't want you thinking I'm ignoring you.
~ Good Sunday morning to you,
just a quick update though not much to report, Mum's still in a lot of pain, she's not eaten for 3 days the Doctors think it may be kidney stones but still unsure.
I will post again when I get time. Thank you for your kind messages to my Mum.
Take care, hugs to you all

Sorry to hear that T, hope she makes a speedy recovery. Take care, Jx
So sorry to hear this, Teresa. Hope your mum will soon feel much better. You take are, too, as this can be a very stressful time. Sending (((hugs))) x
Hi Teresa. Hope your Mum is soon up and about again - thinking of you and sending you hugz. xx
Sorry to hear that, Teresa! Wishing your mum all the best! Take care! Hugs, Elizabeth xx
Hi Teresa,
Sorry to hear about your mam, hope see's better soon. Marlene
So sorry to hear this Teresa.
I hope your mum makes a speedy recovery and you take care too.
hugs Sue
Sorry to hear about your mum Teresa. Hope everything goes ok and that you look after yourself
Big hugs
Best wishes to your Mum Teresa, hope everything's ok, hope she recovers very soon.
Take care.
Sorry for your mum Teresa, hope she'll feel better soon and come home! Take care!
Hugs Kjersti:)
Thank you for letting us know....take good care of your parents!!! Please keep us informed!
Hope your Mom makes a speedy recovery!
Sorry to hear that hope you mum will soon be better big hug Ginny x
Take care Teresa, I hope your Mum will be ok. Sending you love and hugs
Kat xx
Hello Teresa,
Nothing is more important than your parents.
Hugs Marrie
I am sorry to hear your mum is unwell, I hope everything is ok.. Hugs May x x x
Oh I do hope she is all right.xxx
Hi Teresa, l hope its not to serious with your mum Teresa, it's understandable that your time should be spent visiting and taking care of your Father and thank you for letting us know take care and a speedy recovery for your mum xx
My thoughts are with you xx cara xx
Hi Teresa, hope your mother has a speedy recovery and is home again very soon. Your dad will appreciate having you around to help. Elizabeth x
Take care....
gr. arjette.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and your lovely comments.Hope your mum is OK and will be back at home soon.Take Care:Jacqueline.S
All the best wishes I can send Teresa, hope everything is okay with your Mum, take care.
Hope your mom recovers soon!
Teresa I do hope your mum is on the mend very soon. Your family must come first and especially our precious parents. I do hope your dad is keeping well and not getting himself too worried, yourself too for that matter.
Take care dear blogfriend. I will be thinking of you and your parents
Hugs Linda x
Hope your mum will be out of hospital and recovering very soon Theresa.
Hi Teresa
Sorry to hear your mum is not well hope she is feeling better soon
Hugs Dianne xx :)
Oh Dear Teresa, hope you mum better soon.. Take Care...
Hugs Kelly
OMG Teresa ... I hope everything turns ok for your mum. Best wishes. Mojca
Sorry to hear your mum is poorly Teresa. Hope she is better soon and that your dad is ok.
Hugs Sharon.x
Hi Teresa I do hope your mams ok .
Sending big hugs to you all Emma xx
So sorry to hear your mom is poorly hope it's not too serious and she is on the mend soon
Hugs Shaz xx
Hope everything is OK Teresa, take care hun.xx
Hi hun, hope all goes ok with your mum, we will miss you, hope to see you soon, hugs Liz xx
Hi Teresa,
I hope all goes well for your Mum , thinking of you Hugs Elaine
Teresa I am thinking of you and your mum and sending you all my best wishes, Elaine-xxx-
hope your mum is ok teresa and she makes a speedy recovery,take care,x
Hi Teresa
I hope your Mum will be feeling better too, and your Dad is doing ok. Thinking of you and your family. Sending Big Hugs to you all.
Ann xxxxx
My thoughts will be with your mum and you. Take care and all the best wishes for your mum. I hope the doctors find what's causing this pain and that they can solve it soon and everything goes well. Big hugs, Marion
hope you Mummie feels better soon! you're in my thoughts!
Hugs, Alessandra
Teresa, I hope the doctor soon will find out why your mum is in such great pain. Hopefully she'll soon be feeling better. Take good care of yourself too, Teresa. Big hugs, Nicole
I want to wish you and your family lots of strenght and I hope your mum recovers soon. Take care.
Hugs Kim
Sorry to hear your mum's not well, Teresa. Kidney stones are SO painful, I had one twenty five years ago and I can still remember how unwell I was, my son had several earlier this year too. All I can say if it IS kidney stones, is that they are readily treatable without long term effects. Hope it all sorts itself out soon, it's very hard to see those we love in pain. Love, Donna
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