Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd share with you this wonderful blog candy I've found and indeed the gorgeous blog too!
The ladies over at Pion designs are doing a wonderful candy,
here is the link http://blog.piondesign.se/?p=7447
By the way if anyone knows where the followers are on the Pion blog, please could you tell me, I want to become a follower but can't see them, am I looking in the wrong place?
See you soon, hugs
Thank you for sharing this!:) Sandra H
Hi hun you follow by e-mail subscribe it's under the followers button lol xx
Hi Teresa,
To be a follower at Pion: go to blog and on the right hand side, under the Facebook button and the Translate bar, there is a FOLLOW button there, just click and your away. They do not show their followers but that is the procedure.
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